Performance Art


Within an Empty Room, 2012
Adam Gabriel Winnie

Performance Documents
Alexander Hall studios, SCAD, Savannah, GA.

Vertices Alt No Escape

5 at 33

Standing up and Down

A Sense of Parameters

The Physical impossibility of Climbing a Wall

Pushing into the Floor

Doing Thing a Pedestal Might

Intensity of Life, Magnified

Time and Emotion in the Instant of Ravishment

Release and Transcend

Man as MonoChrome

2006, Dungeon Studio, Ann Arbor, MI

In a cage, motionless, in the dead of winter, surounded by walls of stone and brick, in a basement with a dirt floor, covered in white, shivering. The audio starts and I break free. Blind, on hands and knees, I search for the exit. Free, I run until I hit something and collapse.

The Infinite Moment

2004, 555 Gallery and Studios, Ypsilanti, MI


Video Projects

